Tag Archives: birthday dinner

Number Won!

These are the two kinds of wontons I made for my mom’s birthday wonton soup that went so well with my tonkotsu style broth.

I promise these wontons are way better than the ones you find in the freezer section.  Unless your taste buds are just screwed up, and you’re the kind of person who prefers Cup O Noodles over real ramen, or Pop Tarts over fresh pie.  I can’t promise that these will taste as good as your grandma’s wontons, but they are pretty damn tasty.

As I mentioned already, I went a little overboard with the amount of food I made.  If you use my measurements, then I hope you are having a wonton making party, or you’ll be folding wontons by yourself for half the day.  Wontons are really easy to freeze,  I’ll get to that later.

First up are my vegetable and shrimp wontons.  I’m not much of a vegetarian, but I must say, I did a great job with this vegetable filling.  I liked this filling as much as the pork and shrimp filling.

I have here a small head of Taiwanese cabbage.  I forgot to take a picture, but they are NOT Napas.  They look a little like the green cabbages found at regular grocery stores, but they are flatter.  I like these better because they are more tender and sweeter than the green cabbage.  Anways, I also have rainbow carrots, green onion, garlic, ginger, and the mushroom from the broth.


I first stir fried the garlic and ginger in oil for a couple of minutes until I could smell them.  Then I added the mushroom and green onion.  I poured in the soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, and a little sugar.  Gave that a stir and let it cook for a minute,  Then I added the cabbage and carrots, and let it cook until the cabbage and carrots softened.  Taste the vegetables to make sure they are seasoned to your liking.  Note that the brined shrimp are also salty, so take that into consideration.


Since I was using shrimp for both kinds of wontons, I got a 2 lb bag of frozen shrimp.  When I was doing wonton research, I read about a good shrimp tip from Serious Eats.  So, you know how shrimp can become mushy and mealy textured when cooked?  J. Kenji López-Alt recommended soaking the raw shrimp in a baking soda brine.  The baking soda and salt keeps the shrimp plump, juicy, and crisp.  I let my shrimp sit overnight in the mixture, and I was amazed at how good the shrimp tasted.  Apparently just 15 minutes will work, but he said you can let it sit overnight, which is what I did.  My shrimp did turn out pretty salty even after getting rinsed off.  It may be because I added too much salt to the brine, and or it could have been from the longer brine time.  I’ll have to experiment more.  So after rinsing the shrimp off, I cut them into thirds.

Update: I just looked up other pages about using an alkaline brine for shrimp.  Looks like a lot of people recommend using 1 tsp of salt and 1/4 tsp baking soda per pound of shrimp.  Let the shrimp sit in the mixture for 15 minutes to 1 hour.  So basically I screwed up the mixture and amount of brine time.  I mean, even though the shrimp was salty, it worked out since I made the meat less salty.  BUT, now I know.  I’ll edit the brine recipe below.


For the pork filling, I got 5 lbs of ground pork, green onion, garlic, ginger, and mixed it with soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, and a little sugar.  I put on a glove and mashed it all together with my hand.  You can do a taste test by microwaving a little blob for 10 seconds or until cooked.  Since my shrimp were pretty salty, I made my pork mixture less salty.   The meat mixture by itself was a little bland, however, once a piece of brined shrimp was included, that bite of meat was transformed.  If you are omitting my salty shrimp, then be sure to do taste tests to make sure the meat is seasoned well.


Assembly time!  I had help from my sister, cousin, and two friends to wrap these little packets of juicy joy.  I’m very grateful for their help because we ended up going through 5 packs of wonton wrappers, and made 380 wontons.  It took a long time, especially since we were all newbs at wrapping (except for my sister, who taught us how to wrap).  She took care of making 3 trays of wontons by herself.

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make wontons.  There are different ways to fold them, but this is what my aunt taught my sister, who in turn passed it on to us yesterday.  Start with a wrapper.  By the way, the thinner the wrapper, the better.


Put about a teaspoon or so of filling and a piece of shrimp in the middle.  More meat sounds great, but in this case, moderation is key in preventing the over-stuffed exploding Chipotle burrito syndrome.


Dip your finger in water and wet the top and bottom of the wrapper.  The water acts as a glue for the wrapper.  Be sure to “glue” any openings on the wonton, because if you leave holes, then there will be little meat explosions when you boil them.


Fold one third of the wrapper over the pile of filling.


Fold the other third of the wrapper over the first fold to make a roll.  Smear more water to seal the ends of the wrapper.


Fold one end of the roll down.


Fold the other end of the roll down and pinch the two ends together with some water so they are stuck together.  See those openings at the ends?  Those need to be sealed with water.  Now you have a cute little triangular hat looking shape.  For the vegetable filling, you do the same thing except use a spoonful of vegetables with a piece of shrimp.


This here is our first completed tray.  It helps to sprinkle some flour or spray the baking sheet with cooking spray so the wontons don’t stick and tear.  You can see some stylistic differences in the way these wontons were folded.


If you want to freeze them, just stick the whole tray into the freezer.  Once the wontons are frozen, put them into a freezer safe bag or container.  When you want to cook them, DO NOT thaw them out.  Just cook them directly from their frozen state.  If you thaw them out first, they will become a gooey, gummy, mess.


We had a handful of leftover wrappers, so that called for Nutella.  Put a blob of Nutella in the middle, fold the wrapper into a triangle, and spray a little cooking spray on the triangles.  Bake at 350ºF for a few minutes until the wrappers crisp and puff up.


When it was time to cook the wontons, I had to cook them in several batches, since we had so much.  I put the wontons into boiling water, covered the pot for a few minutes until the water boiled again.  Then I used a strainer to fish them out.


Homemade wonton soup


Brined Shrimp
– 2 lbs of shrimp
– 2 tsp salt
– 1/2 tsp baking soda

– Mix everything together and let it sit in the refrigerator for 15-60 minutes.   Rinse the shrimp off.  Cut the shrimp into smaller pieces if they are too big to fit into a wonton wrapper whole.

Vegetable and Shrimp Wontons
– 9 cups of Taiwanese cabbage (1 small head)
– 2 cups of carrots (about 4 carrots)
– 1 cup green onion
– 1/2 cup mushroom (4 large dried mushrooms)
– 1 tbs ginger
– 1 tbs garlic
– 2-3 tbs soy sauce
– 2 tbs sesame oil
– 2 tbs rice wine
– 1 tbs sugar
– Approximately 1/3 lb of brined shrimp
– 2-3 packs of wonton wrappers, will vary depending on how much you stuff your wrappers

– Shred and dice the cabbage, dice the carrots, green onions, and mushrooms.  FInely mince the garlic and ginger.
– Cook the ginger and garlic in oil until fragrant.  Add the mushroom and green onion.  Cook for a couple of minutes.  Stir in the soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, and sugar.  Add the carrots and cabbage and cook until they soften.
– Let the mixture cool before wrapping the wontons.  When you make the wontons, put a teaspoon of the vegetables along with a piece of shrimp on the wonton wrapper.  Follow the illustrated instructions above to fold the wontons.

Pork and Shrimp Wontons
– 5 lbs of ground pork
– 2 cups green onion
– 3-4 tbs ginger
– 2-3 tbs garlic
– 4-6 tbs soy sauce
– 4-6 tbs sesame oil
– 2-4 tbs rice wine
– 1-2 tbs sugar
– Approximately 2/3 lb of brined shrimp
– 2-3 packs of wonton wrappers, will vary depending on how much you stuff your wrappers

Please adjust the seasoning to suit your taste buds and also depending on how salty your shrimp turned out.  Taste test your filling by microwaving a small blob for about 10 seconds or until cooked.  Don’t blame me if your filling tastes too bland or too salty.  

– Slice up the green onion, and finely mince the garlic and ginger.  Mix them with the meat and seasonings.  Hands are the easiest tool for mixing the meat.  Use gloves if you want.
– When you make the wontons, place a teaspoon of meat and a piece of shrimp on the wrapper.  Follow the illustrated instructions above to fold the wontons.

Wonton Souperstar

Yesterday, I had my family over to celebrate my mom’s birthday.  Normally when they come over, I cook western food, because that is what I normally cook.  My mom was totally expecting to eat steak or some other grilled meat.  I wanted to surprise her with Chinese food because one, I very rarely cook Chinese food, and two, she loves Chinese food over all other foods.

When I was little, wontons and dumplings played a huge role in my food memories.  My mom would make pot stickers, and shove all sorts of vegetables in them, and in turn, shove all sorts of vegetables into my sister and I.  We often visited my aunt, who liked to make us pork and shrimp wontons.  (I liked my aunt’s wontons a lot better, shhh).  I decided as an ode to my aunt and mom, I would make pork and shrimp wontons, and vegetable and shrimp wontons in a homemade broth.

There are numerous types of dumplings.  But my simple breakdown is that dumplings are made out of thicker skin, and they can be boiled, steamed, and when pan fried, they become guo tie, or pot stickers.  Wontons are made out of thinner skins, and generally served in a soup or deep fried.

I first made a much anticipated trip to the Asian grocery store.  I normally go to a Korean store, but this time, I decided to go to a Chinese store.  I now know not to go there on Friday mornings.  It usually gets pretty crowded in that area, so I went in the morning to avoid the crowds and traffic.  When I arrived, I was surprised to see a long line of huge vans in front of the shopping center.  Apparently, the Chinese senior centers in the area take their participants to that store for grocery shopping.  Don’t get me wrong, I was actually very pleased to see that.  I used to work at an adult day center, and for many of the folks, the few hours they spend at their day centers are the only times they get to socialize and get out of their homes.  But my dreams of leisurely spending my morning browsing and discovering were pretty much destroyed the moment I saw those vans.

Man, those old folks were rough!  Mind you, this is a large grocery store, and it was just packed with old folks.  Just getting a shopping cart and entering the store was an obstacle.  Once I managed to get into the store, it was this ridiculously funny yet frustrating scene of bumper carts.  Those folks were causing serious traffic jams by driving too slow, driving on both sides of the aisles, parking in the middle of aisles to chat, cutting each other off, and crashing into things.  I got my shit as fast as I could, and got the hell out of there.

Back to the subject, the dinner was on Sunday.  I made my broth on Friday, wonton fillings on Saturday, and made the wontons on Sunday.

Important note.  I sort of forgot that dinner was only for 6 people.  I prepared enough food for…maybe 16 people.  What I am about to share with you is perfect for a wonton making party.  Or if you are going into hibernation mode, you can stock up on frozen wontons for the cold hard days when all you need is a bowl of steaming wonton soup.

I will break this down into 2 parts.  First, I will show you how I make my tonkotsu style broth.  Then, I will show you how to make the two kinds of wontons.