Tag Archives: Togepi


Today, Togepi joined my Pokemon family.


A year ago, I started working with felt.  I got really into it and made all sorts of things for my daughter.  When Pokemon GO came out, my daughter became obsessed with Pokemon.  I wanted to make her Pokemon so she could train to become a Pokemon Master.

These are all done freehand, so I don’t have patterns to share.   I make things up as I go, so some of my methods might not be very efficient or easy.  Let me know if you have suggestions or tips.

  • I picked out felt that matched Togepi’s colors.  I keep all my felt scraps to use in later projects, that’s why there are no full sheets of felt.  Those teeny tiny bits of leftover felt are great for eyeballs.
  • I have needle and thread to attach pieces and also to embellish the borders of pieces.  It takes longer, but I like how the whipstitch makes the project look more finished.
  • I have my Fray Check to dab on the thread after I knot them.
  • I have my fabric pen in case I need to draw a tricky shape.
  • The tweezers are for really small pieces like eyes and mouths that are too small for my fat fingers to hold and cut at the same time.
  • Make sure your scissors are really sharp, or the felt won’t cut cleanly, and then you’ll get pissed off.
  • I use the glue gun for most of the gluing, but for tiny pieces, I like using the fabric adhesive.  The glue gun is too painful and messy for gluing tiny pieces.


I double up the felt because just one piece is too flimsy.  Now that my Togepi is finished, I see that I should have either made the shell smaller, or made his spikes wider.  Next time.

  • 2  head pieces
  • 4 arm pieces
  • 4 feet pieces
  • 2 soles
  • 2 happy mouth pieces
  • 2 shells
  • shell designs


I used the whipstitch to sew 2 arm pieces together to make a thicker arm.


I first made the black toe line before sewing 2 feet pieces together.  I doubled up the thread so it would look darker.  After sewing the feet together, I hot glued on the soles.


I sewed the 2 shells together, but I left the jagged end open.  I still used the whipstitch on the jagged side.


I used the fabric adhesive on the red and blue shell shapes.  I used a toothpick to spread a little bit of adhesive on the shapes.  The fabric adhesive needs to dry for 2-4 hours.


Here is the front of Togepi’s shell.


I hot glued the hands and feet onto the shell.


Before sewing the 2 head pieces together, I first glued on his mouth and sewed on happy eyes.  I also outlined the mouth with thread.


I whipstitched the head pieces together, but notice that I left both ends open.  For the spiky end, I used a little hot glue across the eye line to attach the 2 sides.  The neck end I just left open since I would be stuffing his neck into the shell anyways.


Pre-insertion of the head.  I stuffed some fiberfill into the shell to make him more 3-d.


After inserting his head into the shell, I used a thin line of hot glue to glue the front and back of his head to the shell.
